About Us
Your newest hair care obsession—created and developed by a stylist to deliver unmatched quality, all while being safe for hair extensions.
When it comes to achieving healthy, vibrant hair, we've been at it for a while. After decades of countless messages and DMs from our clients, stylists, and foundation recipients, we created a hair care line that’s about more than pretty hair—it’s about achieving healthy hair!
Get ready to transform hair from the inside out with all of the good, none of the bad.
Every LHC product has a purpose—transforming hair from the inside out by treating the "root" of the problem. There are no superficial fixes here - just efficacious, good-for-hair ingredients.

Every element of the brand is infused with an essence of beauty and individuality. Collaborating with artist Kristen Giorgi, the inspiration behind LHC's look and feel was created with elegant silhouette's symbolizing the women who inspired the product's origin.

The Laced Hair Foundation
The Laced Hair Foundation has given hundreds of women wigs and hair extensions to help them during times of extreme personal health and emotional struggles.